Videos and Media Work
Wendy Parade and Touch a Truck Video
Using footage from past parades and touch-a-tucks, I put together a video showing all the towns and events Wendy is apart of with the intent for it to be posted on the website and social media.
Cng information video
Using pictures taken at our new CNG station, I created an informational video to encourage the use of our public fueling station. The video consists of animated pictures and text with my voice over.
Sweeper and special hauling videos
I created information videos for HDS new sweeper and special hauling services. The videos use footage and animated text to highlight key features of the services, then posted them on Youtube and the HDS website.
Logo Combination
An animation using after effects and photoshop to be used for brand equity on social media and web.
Wendy Animation
Using Photoshop, After Effects, and Character Animator I made two short animations of Wendy the Waste Truck. They can be used at a later date for marketing or education purposes.
Online Billing Page
I helped to redesign and recreated the Online Bill Pay page on the HDS website to help create a better interface for the customer. The new pages goal is to cut down the confusion between paperless billing and signing up for a new account. It also includes an FAQ section that shows where to find the access code and customer number on your bill. It can be seen at
Service Sanitation to Full Sized
To update the Service Sanitation Website I converted it to full width. To this, I had to edit each page and make sure the content was sized and space correctly. I also resized the sliders to be featured on each page. To see the new website visit
Adding Copy Rights
During my time here we received the copyrights to our logo, and to Wendy the Waste Truck. So I went through our files and website to update all the logos and images to include the copyrights symbol.