Trying to be Myself
Steel, Thread, Reuben's Hazealicious, Wire, Beads
Spring 2021
Trying to be Myself is an exploration of identity and authenticity. Inspired by moss, a flora that thrives in the unaccommodating urban landscape. Moss has this incredible ability to grow on concrete, something that shouldn’t support such vitality. I equate this to the way society puts pres- sure on us to be a certain way. Being a woman comes with expectations for looks and behavior. But no one is built the same way, we are wholly unique and should be free to express the things that make us authentic.
I encapsulated the form with a steel ring that represents the social constructs and constraints put on us. Bulging out of the ring is a scene of flourishing textures and colors– the physical embodiment of authenticity. Through the methodical work of sewing in each piece, I was able to reflect on how my true identity shows in my visual choices. There are things I’m naturally drawn towards that subconsciously worked their way into my piece. My original intent for the piece was to feel more naturally realistic to moss, but it deviated from that when I added in things like beads and aluminum tiles. I found my actions in the process of making these pieces were reflective of the meaning of the piece.