Print Communications Work
Print Kiosk
Using Indesign I made six different pamphlets to be printed and displayed by the front desk. They will be used to easily communicate information for commonly asked questions.

7 different poster to be featured by the information kiosk at different times of the year.

FOR Sales
Using Photoshop I formed roll-off and commercial container cut-outs with dimensions for Arrowaste and Homewood for sales to easily attach to emails. Using Indesign I made a rear-load roll-off guide for the Homewood sales to give to customers looking for specific dimensions.

Using Photoshop and InDesign I designed two different postcard options for Ken Groenewold, one 4x6 and one 6x9. These can be sent to potential customers in the mail if the salesmen miss them when out in the field. The designs are made so Ken’s name and phone number can be replaced with any of the other salesmen information.

Town Contract
To help Frank Hillegonds and other salesmen, I created a design for bids. Using Illustrator I made the vetor images using our colors and branding. The using Word I inserted the images into the paper and added text boxes so the document could be easily edited.
For the St. John bid and Trinity College renewal, I arranged photos and organize some of the text.

Employee DIrectory
Using InDesign, I helped to locate, resize and place employees photos and information into a directory.