The final piece to the Bloom project was a poster focusing on a threat to our culture. I chose to focus on light pollution. I have a lot of fond memories stargazing with my friends out in the country, we have to drive far out into the fields to get away from the town light that clogged the sky. Now living in a city it's even harder to find any clear sky and I find myself staring hard into the grey abyss wishing there was something to wish upon. My poster is to increase the awareness of the problem and how we can all be part of an easy, obtainable solution 
My initial research for the project. I gathered information from websites about the issue and possible solutions. I then created four empathy maps to show how the issues interacts with four different people.
My three rough drafts, each looking at a different aspect of the issue to focus on. I choose to further develop the third image. 
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