I chose these images and patterns to reflect my culture because of the huge impact on my life the geography that surrounds me has had. The overlapping typography, pattern, images, and text all work together to tell a short story. . One of the biggest reasons I moved from Chicago was because I felt drawn to the mountains and ocean. The pattern reflects me appreciate of nature. I created an organic pattern to highlight the natural features in the images I choose. I feel like my life has been shaped by my experiences in the geography that I've grown up in. Now that I chose to seek out a new geography I feel I've been hyper-aware of it.

This is the typographic composition that sits as a base for my larger composition. The indiscernible letters spell out "bloom" so the very structure of the piece speaks to the whole.

I created this pattern to help weave in a organic feeling. It is inspired by wood grain and the flow of the natural world. When applied to the type structure its softens the edges and seems to make the whole thing slightly shifting like was a reflection in water.

These images come from all over Washington and Indiana showing a strong horizon and the what the surrounding geography interacts with it.